A new study was commissioned by the Department of Economic and Community Development, titled Why People Move to Maine. They will be hosting a webinar about the report on February 10th from 1:00pm – 2:00pm. Ryan Wallace, the author of the report, will talk through the findings. You can register here: https://mainestate.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_PGZ90RJCSwqTnoepkbEWyQ

The analysis draws upon an extensive electronic survey of more than 2,500 migrant responses collected during the spring of 2024. Here are some are their findings:
“For more than one-half of migrants, outdoor recreation amenities were reported as a strong influence on their decision to move to Maine, including 25% who indicated these amenities had an extremely strong influence. Social connections (proximity to family, friends, or network) ranked the second most important influence on a household’s decision to move to Maine. One-quarter of respondents indicated social connections were an extremely strong influence, and another 25% indicated social connections were a moderate or a somewhat strong influence on their decision to move to Maine Other factors of influence include community safety— more than half (54%) reported at least a moderate influence on their decision to move to Maine—while approximately 45% of respondents reported that having a culture that values equity, acceptance, and openness was at least a moderate influence on their decision to move to Maine. Two out of five (44%) respondents reported cost of living was at least a moderate influence Other factors were reported to be of extreme influence to a relatively larger share of respondents but of less importance overall (i.e., the factor had a higher share of respondent reporting five but a lower overall percentage of respondents reporting either 3, 4, or 5). These include employment opportunities, the ability to work remotely, and family circumstances. Factors such as political climate the respondent agrees with, cost of living, and cultural and entertainment amenities had more substantial influence overall but more moderate or somewhat strong influence as opposed to extremely strong The onset and increasing intensity of severe climate-related events have increased households’ propensity to move Maine is often cited as an attractive destination for climate migrants. Over 40% of migrants indicated climate-related issues had a moderate influence on their decision to move to Maine, with 22% reporting a somewhat strong to extremely strong influence”
To read more findings, including the difference in age cohorts, geographical differences in amenities, origin of migrants, employment status, climate & housing incentives, demographic and household characteristics, and more, read the full article at: WHY PEOPLE MOVE TO MAINE.pdf